I walked to the Lake at dawn, before the day began, before cars filled the streets and people filled the beach. I stood on the deck that overlooks it all and asked "Do you have any answers for me?"

I watched and listened and almost moved on, but then I heard in the wind and waves: "It's all in your mind. All the turmoil and stress, the dissatisfaction and worry, the guilt and regret... it's all in your mind and you can choose to turn it off."

"But how do I turn it off?" I asked back and waited. This time there was no reply. The cool breeze just blew steadily and lazy waves continued to roll onto the beach, one after another.

Impatiently, my mind raced more questions and I projected them out to the Lake: "Are the things I imagine for the future, the things that are so different than now, are they better? Will it be better or worse?Will I be happy? Can I be happy if I don't make the change?"

But the Lake was mute. And then the wind came up a bit, and a few larger waves crashed more forcefully onto the beach. I watched and listened but heard no more, and eventually put my head down, turned away, and walked up the hill to home as it is.

Only later did I make out the Lake’s frustration: I had missed the point of the only answer he had to give me.